Bailey Outdoor Education and Recreation Area
BOERA (Bailey Outdoor Education and Recreation Area) is school property that has been developed into an outdoor recreation area for the entire community.
For more information, visit www.boera.org
Open Year Round, Dawn to Dusk
When the property is closed for grazing, it will be posted on the BOERA Facebook page.
Usage Fees

As parents and community members we are creating positive educational and recreation opportunities for this community. This includes Disc Golf, a multi user trail network and in the future, a picnic pavilion and sand volleyball courts!
Use of the BOERA property is FREE for all children/students 18 and under, PCSD employees, and PCSD retired employees. There is a suggested daily fee of $5 for adults over 18.
If you are a regular on the property, you can also purchase an annual pass. Contact boera.bailey@gmail.com or search BOERAinBaileyCO on Facebook for more information.
Usage fees are used for property development, maintenance, and scholarships.
Recreation opportunities on this property include:
- World Class Disc golf
- Hiking
- Mountain Biking
- Running
- More trails to come!
Check out a map of the property (with Disc Golf course outlined) here
Property Use
The BOERA property shall be safe and accessible primarily for use by students of the district for educational purposes and recreational events. This property will also be used by the public for the purpose of additional fund raising to support student-focused endeavors.
BOERA (Bailey Outdoor Education and Recreation Area) is Platte Canyon School District property that has been developed into an outdoor recreation area for the entire community. It is open year-round, dawn to dusk. Recreation opportunities on this property include a world-class disc golf course, hiking, mountain biking, and running trails.
The schedule is posted here.
A few times each year, the BOERA property is closed for cattle grazing. The BOERA Facebook page will be updated during these times.
Events & Fundraisers

If you would like to plan an event or fundraiser on this property, it must meet the qualification of benefitting the children of the Platte Canyon School District. Contact BOERA via email at boera.bailey@gmail.com.
BOERA provides scholarships to Platte Canyon High School students each spring from funds raised by usage fees on the property.
In 2016, BOERA awarded two (2) $500 scholarships. In 2017, BOERA awarded four (4) $500 scholarships. We gave five (5) $500 scholarships in 2018 and plan to award three (3) $750 scholarships in 2019!
For more information and a copy of the BOERA scholarship application, contact The Platte Canyon High School Counseling Department 303-838-7666 ext. 1658
Some of the monies raised from fundraisers held on the BOERA property will be returned to the school district in the form of yearly grants for outdoor education and/or recreation-related items or projects. (Example: team uniforms and practice equipment.) The amount available will depend on the success of the fundraisers held during the year.
Grant applications will be due in November 1st and awarded in January.
Click Here for BOERA Grant Overview and Guidelines
Click Here for BOERA Grant Application