Addressing the Board
Communication to the Board
Communications to the
Board of Education
should be addressed to:
Platte Canyon School District
Board of Education Attn: Ryan Johnson, Secretary Platte Canyon School District PO Box 1069 Bailey, Colorado 80421 Phone: 303-838-7666 Ext. 1000
How do I Request to Speak to the Board
Fill in the information on the Request Form (available as you enter the meeting room) and give it to the Secretary. The form must be received prior to the start of the public comment segment of the meeting if you desire to address a specific information/discussion item from the agenda. You may submit it during the meeting if you want to speak during the public comments agenda time.
board members
Garrison Genschorck, President
Missy Winefeldt, Vice President
Theresa Gilliland, Treasurer
Frank VanDeHey, Secretary
Heather Linne-Speidel, Directory
When should you request to address the Board of Education?
You may address the Board during regular meetings on specific agenda topics listed for information/discussion when the Board President opens the topic for public comment or during the public comment time toward the end of regular meetings. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes unless previous arrangements have been made.
It is helpful to Board members when you include a written summary of your comments for their review, particularly if you have questions.
The Board will not discuss or debate your comments nor answer your questions during the meeting. Rather, the Board will refer items to the Superintendent or determine that issued raised are policy matters for further consideration by the Board.
If you desire to present a report on behalf of a public group or agency, you should contact Superintendent in advance in order that a special report item can be added to a meeting agenda.
At any regular or special meeting the board may proceed into executive session, at which only those persons requested by the board may be present, but no adoption of any proposed policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation, or formal action occurs at any executive session not open to the public. Executive sessions are held for purposes of discussing property purchases or sales, matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes, security arrangements, negotiations issues, personnel issues, information about individual students where public disclosure would adversely affect the person or persons involved and receiving legal advice from attorneys. (Colorado revised Statute 24-6-402(4)).
If the question is specifically related to your child's program or services for your child, you should ask their teacher or the principal of the school. If they are unable to answer your question, you should call the District Office (303-838-7666) where your call will be directed to a staff member who will assist you.
If you have a question or concern about any aspect of District organization, finances, or operations, you may speak with one of the school principals or service managers or call the District Office. If staff members are unable to answer your question or you feel your concern has not been adequately addressed, you should write, call, or schedule an appointment with the Superintendent, Mike Schmidt (303-838-7666 Ext 1000). The Board of Education also schedules a time for public comments at each regular meeting.